I'm pretty fed up with a lot of things, mostly my family. They don't call, they don't write. They can't even be bothered to read my blog. I email, and they don't email back. The word family has become irrelevant.
I'm fed up with being told I should be a writer. I write. I don't do it for money, which I suppose is what they mean. That's about the same as people telling me I should "be an artist." Once in a while I have been told I should be a musician, which is the one thing I seem to be able to do regularly, only maybe not so well as the other two. In any case, to do any of those things for a living, someone has to be willing to pay you. Next topic...
Liars. Everywhere you turn. Most notably, of course, are the politicians, but they hardly have a monopoly. They want you to think that every group of two or more people (corporations, apparently) that produce something are evil because they want you to pay for it. Liberals, you are morons, or you are liars. Mostly morons, I think. You're stupid enough to believe that proven incompetents and thieves, i.e. government, can be trusted with everything in your life , when they have shown that you can't trust them with anything, Seriously, rebut that one.
I know, you're thinking, "What about conservatives? They're more stupid, and brainwashed, too." Whatever. You guys spend enough time expounding that notion, so why should I address it? It's patently against all logic and since you are probably upset that I am stereotyping liberals, look at the beam in your own eye (that's a Biblical reference, so I will explain it to you, and I will use big words, so that you can pretend you understand: don't complain about my ad hominem attacks by making an ad hominem attack, you imbecilic hypocrites).
Women. I think you ladies are great and all, but why do you talk so big about what you want in a man and act as if you won't settle for less, then fall for the next jerk that flashes some jewelry at you and then put up with all the crap, and worse, that you claimed you never would? Yes, yes, there are a lot of exceptions, and you are all married or live too far away from here. Distance matters because of the primary woman I have to endure: my ex. She has control of my kids and therefore controls me. My children are all that make this excrement existence worth it for me.
That's all I can stomach for now. There's plenty more that I am pissed about, but I'm just wasting my time posting here anyway. At least I can vent here on a public site that can be accessed by anyone in the world (except maybe the Chinese that aren't hackers, so about 3 people) and not have to worry that anyone will ever be offended by it.
New Zeal Blog Has Moved
13 years ago