At My Most Cynical

I'm pretty fed up with a lot of things, mostly my family. They don't call, they don't write. They can't even be bothered to read my blog. I email, and they don't email back. The word family has become irrelevant.

I'm fed up with being told I should be a writer. I write. I don't do it for money, which I suppose is what they mean. That's about the same as people telling me I should "be an artist." Once in a while I have been told I should be a musician, which is the one thing I seem to be able to do regularly, only maybe not so well as the other two. In any case, to do any of those things for a living, someone has to be willing to pay you. Next topic...

Liars. Everywhere you turn. Most notably, of course, are the politicians, but they hardly have a monopoly. They want you to think that every group of two or more people (corporations, apparently) that produce something are evil because they want you to pay for it. Liberals, you are morons, or you are liars. Mostly morons, I think. You're stupid enough to believe that proven incompetents and thieves, i.e. government, can be trusted with everything in your life , when they have shown that you can't trust them with anything, Seriously, rebut that one.

I know, you're thinking, "What about conservatives? They're more stupid, and brainwashed, too." Whatever. You guys spend enough time expounding that notion, so why should I address it? It's patently against all logic and since you are probably upset that I am stereotyping liberals, look at the beam in your own eye (that's a Biblical reference, so I will explain it to you, and I will use big words, so that you can pretend you understand: don't complain about my ad hominem attacks by making an ad hominem attack, you imbecilic hypocrites).

Women. I think you ladies are great and all, but why do you talk so big about what you want in a man and act as if you won't settle for less, then fall for the next jerk that flashes some jewelry at you and then put up with all the crap, and worse, that you claimed you never would? Yes, yes, there are a lot of exceptions, and you are all married or live too far away from here. Distance matters because of the primary woman I have to endure: my ex. She has control of my kids and therefore controls me. My children are all that make this excrement existence worth it for me.

That's all I can stomach for now. There's plenty more that I am pissed about, but I'm just wasting my time posting here anyway. At least I can vent here on a public site that can be accessed by anyone in the world (except maybe the Chinese that aren't hackers, so about 3 people) and not have to worry that anyone will ever be offended by it.


Anonymous said...

Danged cynical! And still as sharp as a tack. Sharper. Of course, in your present state of irritation you're choosing a single facet of the infuriatingly endless possible views of reality that plague my life and make it impossible to speak without feeling like a liar due to having been forced to choose a single perspective to express of the many I see in order to have anything to say... knowing it will be mere seconds before I feel completely different from that, possibly the opposite.

I hope you feel the opposite soon. It doesn't mean you'll think the opposite since you are neither blind nor are you stupid. But it's nice to feel like there's hope for humanity even though you know they're going to carry on screwing up their own lives and yours at every available opportunity.

Now, specifically... everyone who starts a sentence with the following: you should, you ought to, you need to, you must, you have to, etc... should be lined up and shot. And old ladies who say, "Are you still painting?" should have to wipe up after.

For what it's worth, I'm a writer and an artist. I expect to be appreciated after I'm dead. That's the same expectation I have of my parenting gig.

And don't get me started on women. I don't get 'em either. This leads to many puzzled moments for them as they look at my bloody boring appearance and expect the contents to be equally dull. MUAHAHAHAHA!!! The Relief Society doesn't know what the heck to do with me. My visiting teachers honestly expected me to want them to make me waffles as a reward for scripture study. They were puzzled when I declined. If I gain nothing but waffles from scripture study, I might as well quit. If this was some sort of female food-bonding thing, I'm not interested. I am neither Sandra Bullock nor Julia Roberts.

I am also not sure where I was intending to go with any of this. Let's see, what do boring people say... Oh, got it. Sorry you're down right now, hang in there, you'll feel better after a good night's sleep, beep boop bzzz, computer malfunction. That last part was a reference to their robotic natures.

Sheryl said...

I suppose I should start adding a HMMM comment when I read your blogs so you know I am reading them. Otherwise, I have nothing to offer. They seem to be a complete opinion with no room for feedback. I certainly don't disagree with everything you say, however, I almost never agree with everything you say either. And I think I have moved beyond "cool". Maybe you could add a box for "interesting".
Debbie, I can't help but wonder if the Relief Society assigned two "mental" sisters to you. A reward for scripture study--are they from another planet!?!

Anonymous said...


Robert said...

Like Sheryl perhaps I should grunt or moan when I read someone's blog. I choose not to respond because so many of the blogs that are sent out are extremely opinionated and leave me feeling that if I were to respond to the contrary I would be opening up wounds or allowing an avenue for a direct attack. In the past I have not treated others with the respect they deserve and have been extremely abrasive to family members so please excuse me if I do not choose to take advantage of things written in blogs to tease or ridicule. I am sorry if some of the members of this family feel that others don't care just because we choose not to respond. Maybe we are just at a loss for words or really unsure of what response you are looking for.

David said...

I am open to debate, argument, vitriole, or whatever on my personal blog. I think the Polander Post should be kept neutral, but whatever you want to say to me here, you are more than welcome.

I had forgotten that I had relatives who didn't find it an insult to be called a Liberal, so I guess I should have moderated myself a bit, but as I said, I didn't think anyone was even paying attention. If offending you is what I have to do to have some contact with family, I'll stay the course. Honestly, I was at the point that I wrote what I did to provoke anything I could from anyone. I'm not sure if any of you recognize just how isolated I am. Not looking for sympathy, just being informative.

Still...moderation. I am actually somewhat open to liberalism. I think there are some good points there, but there really is a difference between being liberal, and being "a" Liberal.

I want to help the poor, etc. as much as any Christian should, but it has nothing to do with social justice, and everything to do with charity (the Moroni 7 type). Yeah, I listen to Glenn Beck. Does that make me a fair target for being stereotyped? See? That's the kind of hypocrisy I am talking about.

There are people out there who call themselves Liberals who would tell me that just because I listen to right wing talk shows, I must be a brainwashed idiot, but most of the ones I have talked to are only repeating what someone else told them and can't begin to debate actual issues, because they don't even know what the issues are unless someone tells them what to say.

I satirically stereotyped liberals to make that point. I don't see on someone's profile that they are liberal and immediately think they are stupid, but when anyone opens their mouth and proves they are stupid, and when they are a Liberal, I'm going to call it as I see it.

On the basis of their assertion that right wing thought is tantamount to calling for the overthrow of the government, there are powerful people that want to put controls on speech, and a whole lot of sheep that don't bother to question that. Believe me, I am basing this on the people I know. When we live in a society that wants to squelch free speech simply on the basis of political disagreement, we are well on the path to tyranny.

Robert, I would never have assumed that you were in the category of Liberal that gets me going. The ones that bug me are the ones that are just as robotic as the right wing nuts. They are both nuts, but right now, the left wing nuts are louder, and are the ones that are proposing limits on free speech. So I am going to blog about that until the government takes away my right to do so.

Robert said...

For the record I am Conservative but I do not lean far right.

David said...

Which Robert is this? I kind of just assumed it was Robert Ligon since I have actually seen him comment before, and he seemed kind of liberal.

Either way, I can respect most political beliefs as long as the person has made up their own mind and can stand up for them. I don't have any patience for anyone that can't explain what they believe, much less why they believe it.

I can't understand why so many of my coworkers are perfectly content to let government do all these things while admitting that they don't know anything about it, and that they don't basically trust politicians. There is no end to the medical analogies I could make for that, and they wouldn't go for any of them, but when I present them I get the same response: "Well, I'm just glad somebody is doing something."

Most of the time nowadays I don't let it bother me, because I figure they're getting what they deserve, but there are times when I have to say something, and then I just get exasperated.

Anonymous said...

Dude, if it was Rob Ligon, then he would have called his mom by her first name. For what it's worth, there was a point that might have solved the puzzle. Anyhow...

I can't figure out the political stuff because no matter what a politician purports to represent, there a million layers beneath in which his or her true practices lurk hidden. And no matter how well intentioned, most politicians will run into the same wall as Mr. Smith. And this ain't a Frank Capra movie.

In a society where a man sexually deviant behavior while at work is not considered a reflection on his honesty and reliability as a president by the majority of the country, I find it hard to feel that there is such a thing as the right candidate for the job.

And I left the republican party and went non-partisan because I believe that is true free will... and because I felt like an accomplice every time "my" party did something I didn't believe in. Got tired of taking my cues from others. I have to think for myself. But it's hard with all this noise...

Who mentioned politics? Well, here we are. I hate politics. I hate debate. I think what I think when I have had time to gather sufficient data to form my own opinion. And that can take me years.

Robert said...

Your brother

David said...

That's the Robert (my brother) that I know! A man of few words, but right to the point. I added the "hmmm" option, but I see that I scored two disagrees on this post. Funny. I don't which of my many rants they disagree with. Kind of makes disagreeing pointless.

I spend most of my life trying to be decent and do good, and still have no friends, so I give in to my frustrations and blow off some steam with the not-surprising result of finding dissenters. If you can't have friends, may as well have enemies. Except I don't even have enemies. I just have people that click a button saying they disagree, and then scuttle away.

Anonymous said...

I want to see footage of the scuttling. I'd enjoy seeing one of my siblings running sideways like Zoidburg.

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