Are Jesus and the devil brothers?

Worded that way, I can easily say, "No, they are not." However, they were brothers, even as Jesus Christ is the eldest brother, and greatest of all of the children of God, which children we are as well. We compare to Him somewhere less than the size of the Earth compares to a blue giant star like Antares YouTube - Size of Earth, yet He is our brother, nonetheless. The devil, Satan, who once was Lucifer, a son of the morning (Isaiah 14:12), who rebelled against God and all those other fallen angels who are now demons to Satan are so much less than we are as to be as close to nothing as can exist.

They are cast out completely from the presence of God and though they have a time during our mortal existence to be allowed to try us, their ultimate fate is complete oblivion. To comprehend such a tragedy is beyond our ability, despite our attempts in theater and literature to try and imagine the worst possible scenarios our minds can concoct through some strange compulsion. Tragedy it is, but one of their own choosing. It is plain: they rebelled.

Now, consider what that means. Can one rebel against a body of which they were never a part? There are many things which God created, in His wisdom, that do not live up to the divinity of their creation, yet they are still God's creations, because there is nothing which was created that He did not create. How can Lucifer not be one of God's creations?

Could he create himself? Would that not make him greater than Jesus Christ who was created by God? Wouldn't that place him equal to God as a creator himself? Which is the more logical? Which is the more blasphemous? Yes, we of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe, as Isaiah said, that Satan was created by God as a brother of all living and dead, but he forsook that birthright and was thrown down. He is no prodigal son. He will not return to his Father in Heaven. He is not of us and no brother of our Savior Jesus Christ, nor will he or any who followed him partake of the grace and redemption of He who died for those of us who chose to follow our Father's plan.

Therefore, however you choose to word the question, I definitively answer: No, Jesus and the devil are not brothers.


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