Divine Inspiration

It amazes me when someone is offended or wants to argue with me when I say I believe this nation and its laws were divinely inspired. I'm not exactly sure how it is harming anyone for me to believe that. I don't assert that the United States is a "Christian nation," but it does respect all religions, including Christianity, and to deny that the founders and framers of the U.S. Constitution considered Christian values is asinine.

So maybe a few of the Founders were Deists, or even Atheists, or whatever religion. That fact is a better evidence and testimony of their determination to make this a nation where all religions or no religions could be practiced freely with no interference from the state. Do you want to argue whether there was an establishment clause calling for separation of church and state? Okay, fine, have it your way- the Founders DID want separation of church and state: they wanted the state to stay completely out of questions of religion and religious practice.

The assertion that what I believe is offensive to someone simply because I am allowed to practice it is ludicrous...sticks and stones. To go further and allow litigation, and especially legislation to accomodate the individual who is so thin-skinned that they can't maintain their disbelief without eliminating everything that might make them doubt it, is a complete denial of the principles on which this nation is founded.

Not Christian principles, not Deist, Atheist, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or any other specific belief system. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The enemies of God get us hung on the first part which is highly debatable and open to multiple interpretations, when we should be hammering on the second part "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

That is completely plain and unambiguous. That is an absolute statement. No law prohibiting free exercise of religion means NO LAWS. It is clearly unconstitutional for Congress to make any law that concerns (or should I says respects?) religion. None. Because any law that even addresses any aspect of religion is going to either show favoritism (respect and establish) to one belief system or prohibit the free exercise of another, or more likely, both.

You too, Atheists, yours is belief system: you believe there is no God. Until you can prove there is no God, it is only a belief. No one else should be made subject to your belief system, and you should not be subject to ours. You may seek legal redress if you feel that you have had your rights and your freedom violated, but you CAN'T. MAKE. LAWS....unless you eliminate (which is the same as ignore) the United States Constitution.

Those words "United States Constitution" are sacred to me. I believe that the Founders were inspired in creating it, to preserve the rights and the freedoms of all beliefs, and all creeds, ethnicites, etc. I would fight and die to protect your right to belief nothing, or anything, so how about you quit trying to take my rights?


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